How to create and use additional inspectors
How to open and use the Inspector in Keynote
Have your presentation automatically start to play when opened
Change the order of your slides
Enable the Format Bar which allow you to easily format text and other objects
Add comments to a presentation
Add spotlight information to your presentation, this will help you find and store your file
How to create a new presentation using widescreen and HD slide resolutions
Add hyperlinks to your presentation which link to other slides, web addresses or email addresses
An introduction to Keynote '08
Look at your kiosk options, automatically play, loop, and restart the show, require a password to exit and more
Lock objects on slides to prevent them from being changes
Open and use the Media Browser, which gives you access to your music, pictures and movies
How to play your presentation
Keyboard shortcuts for while presenting your presentation
Record audio with your presentation that will play and automatically advance with your slides
Add and view notes to slides
Different slideshow views: Navigator, Outline, Slide Only, Light Table