Woopid Wants You.
What We Want wants individuals who have a passion for technology. We want people who have an expertise and fascination about various aspects of technology, whether it be Adobe Photoshop, Google Earth, iPod, Windows Server 2003, Playstation 3, or almost anything else in the tech spectrum.
Candidates will be involved in explanative script writing and tutorial production. For now, we’re looking for individuals to work from home, but more traditional employment is a possibility.
Who We Are
Woopid is a company that provides in-demand, direct tech help via the use of short, engaging video tutorials. Check us out at Browse around to see what kind of videos you’ll be creating.
What We Pay
We’ll pay you for a per video price for the content you produce. We also have bonus programs. Contact us for more details.
What You’ll Do
We’ve developed a unique method for creating simple, effective tutorials. It’s part of our Content Factory, and it’s what we like to call, The Woopid Way (TWW). You’ll get all the tools you need to get from A-Z, including a support team to help you along the way.
Q: What application, concept, or gadget can I create videos for?
A: Nearly anything that Woopid doesn’t already have on its website. What’s your passion or expertise? Just ask.
Q: Do you require that the tutorials look, sound, and feel like the ones already on
A: Yes, and following our guidelines, your tutorials will fit right in on Woopid.
Q: Who records the audio portion of the tutorial?
A: Woopid does, based off the written portion you provide.
Q: Can I just make a few tutorials, or are you looking for complete sets?
A: We're looking for complete sets, but that doesn't mean you need to tutorialize a program from A-Z. In other words, if you choose Microsoft Office Excel 2008 for the Mac, you could create 100 or so videos going over the basics, leaving advanced Excel functions to another creator. But remember, the more content you create, the more opportunities you’ll have to get compensated.
Q: What materials do I need for creating tutorial videos?
A: A reasonably fast computer (enough to capture full motion video), and the software or gadget you plan to work on. If you plan on tutorializing a gadget, you'll need a HQ video camera with an appropriate space to film. You do not need a video camera to explain software. We'll provide you with a more complete list of requirements upon further inquiry.
Want to Work with Woopid? Have Questions? Email us at WwW (at) Woopid (dot) com
Woopid 2009.
Work with Woopid Program