How to group shapes in Word - if one moves or changes size, they all do.
Insert a chart or graph into your document, choose from many different types
Choose from many different types of pictures and images to insert into your document
Insert a PDF into your document
Insert a picture into your document
Insert a wide range of shapes into your document, you can also create your own shapes
Learn how to use SmartArt
Use WordArt
An overview of the Page Layout Tab
Insert horizontal lines into your Word 2007 document.
Change the page orientation - portrait or landscape
Change the paper size for your document
Change the paragraph spacing in Word 2007.
Changing margins for your document
Change the page color
Create columns in your document
Create custom watermarks to be placed over your document
Deal with hyphenation
Insert a watermark to be placed over your document
Number lines of text in your document
Create borders around your pages
Layer objects in your document
Choose how text will wrap around images and shapes
Use themes in your document