10 Tips and Tricks for Numbers '08
Videos 1-10 of 10

Disable Template Chooser

Choose a template you want to use by default, disabling the Template Chooser in Numbers.

Save As a Template

Save a file as a template

Spotlight Terms

Apply Spotlight terms to your Numbers document, allowing you to easily search for it

Backup Previous Version When Saving

Set Numbers to backup your document every time you save

Using Conditional Formatting

Use conditional formatting to view data based off specified criteria

Auto-Fill Cells

Auto-fill numbers, days, months and more

Dividing Sheets Into Pages

Divide sheets into pages (for printing)

Filtering Rows and Columns

Filter rows and columns based of set criteria

Resize Table (Scale)

Resize the table within its sheet

Create a Preset Table

Create a saved table for use as a preset

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